We’re very excited to share that we’ve reached our decade milestone – what a fantastic ten years it’s been! We’ve had the privilege of working with the most amazing clients, including Pizza Pilgrims, Noble Foods, Big Fang Collective, PAUL UK, Moneycorp, Bateel, Concorde BGW, My Lahore, Biffa, Pizza Express and Wingstop – among many others.

Along the way, we’ve been supported by our fantastic core team and expert associates who’ve helped to deliver thousands of workshops and programmes. And special thanks must go to David Blackmore, Chloe Michel, Andrew Kemsley, Mel O’Brien, Phil Martin and Geoff Matthews, for their expertise, insights and, most definitely, patience!

To mark ten trips around the sun, we are celebrating this year in some key ways…

The Leader of Managers programme

Watch this space for exciting news about the launch next March of our first-ever public programme, for current and aspiring multi-unit managers! The Leader of Managers programme draws on the very best of our experience and insights, coupled with practical tools and solutions that multi-unit managers can implement straight away.

If that wasn’t enough, our comprehensive, year-long pathway includes one-to-one coaching, access to the world’s most taught situational leadership framework, SLII®, and corresponding apps and tools, and powerful personal diagnostics including 360 feedback and Blanchard’s Essential Motivators.

To top it all off, we go beyond the walls of any training programme, with every participant being joined in the field by an MMU coach, for an ‘ops-servation’. This is a full day, where we observe them conducting a critical impact visit with their teams, allowing us to see them in the reality of the day job and giving us the opportunity to utilise every coachable moment, sharing our feedback and helping them to be the outstanding manager they’re striving to be.

“MMU has delivered clear, measurable training, which has supercharged our operations team. They teach and coach the most impactful skills, behaviours and frameworks. Our business and team would not be the same without Lee and his team of legends.” Gavin Smith, Pizza Pilgrims

The refresh of MMU’s Momentum 360 feedback tool

360 feedback multi-unit managers

Giving feedback through a structured, independent online tool is an invaluable way to help multi-unit managers improve performance, gain a balanced perspective, offer insightful feedback, and provide one-to-one challenge and support.

This year we also relaunched our feedback tool – Momentum 360 – with enhancements based on new thinking and experience, which is already benefiting the multi-unit managers we work with.

As Ken Blanchard says, “Feedback is the breakfast of champions”! And we believe that giving multi-unit managers focused feedback and direction is at the heart of enabling them to become outstanding. If you’d like to know more, you can download our brand-new guide to building momentum through focused feedback.

“Receiving the 360 feedback was a significant factor for my development. It improved my self-awareness in both my strengths and weaknesses and allowed me to improve as a leader and multi-unit manager.” Anna Stewart, Area Manager, Where The Pancakes Are

Partnering with didici

Working in the hospitality, restaurant and retail sector, we know that multi-unit managers are frequently drowning in data from individual sites. Too often, insights are held in different platforms or (worse) spreadsheets! This makes it difficult to share real insight, help managers see the bigger picture, or make sure they’re on track with their goals.

To help solve this problem, we’ve partnered with didici, an analytics platform that lets you view your entire business in a single place, in a way that has instant meaning to you as an operator. With compelling visualisations and the preservation of your institutional knowledge – capturing both the “why” and the “what” – didici enables you to see your business from your unique perspective. Important details are automatically highlighted; showing performance KPIs in an engaging way that highlights successes, as well as areas of the business where focused attention is needed.

MMU has collaborated with didici to tailor the platform specifically for multi-unit managers in the hospitality and retail sector. We’ve embedded our thinking around the operational disciplines, so that elements like the period review and quarterly goals are incorporated.

At its heart, the period review is about people and the behaviours, skills and knowledge they need to be successful. By integrating the power of the didici platform, with our people-centric approach to reviewing performance, we’ve ensures it’s even easier to align business goal and personal development app, ensuring behaviours drive performance, not the other way around!

If you’d like to know more, please get in touch.

MMU and didici share a common goal of allowing our clients to operate their businesses in an organised and efficient way. Where MMU brings the process and the discipline, didici brings the tools to support them, combined with integrated data and analytics. We’re delighted to be partnering with MMU to launch the period review toolset, fully integrated into the didici platform where we firmly believe it will be a game changer for our clients. Tony Brooks, Founder, didici

The launch of Ops Exchange

Ops Exchange

We launched Ops Exchange – a community learning event for like-minded operational professionals – earlier this year. We’ve already held one in London, with another event just last week in Birmingham. These are fantastic afternoons, full of energy and insights, and delivered in collaboration with the fantastic Karen Turton and her team at Purple Story.

Ops Exchange is totally dedicated to multi-unit (area) managers and operations managers working in hospitality, retail industries and beyond. Essentially, it’s a friendly and relaxed afternoon for anyone who oversees operations across geographically remote locations, and who is a ‘leader of managers’. We harness the collective power of the group to discuss the biggest challenges they’re facing and how to tackle them. Look out for the next one in early 2025!

“This was so worth attending! I can’t wait to see the movement growing!” Valerio Diecidue, Operations Manager PAUL UK

Free resources to support multi-unit managers

We’ve also worked hard over the years to develop helpful free guides for multi-unit managers. There’s now a wide selection to choose from on our downloads page, including:

If you’re not already connected with me on LinkedIn, please do. You can also check out my articles on LinkedIn, with topics ranging from how to improve your productivity to fuel business growth to why managers need to be clear about expectations.

Thank you – and here’s to the next decade!

All these improvements and enhancements to our offering help us better serve our clients, so that they can better serve theirs. We’re so excited about what’s next for MMU. Thank you to everyone who has supported us along the way!